
A different kind of motorcycle tour...

Clutch motorcycle tours 1 sm

(11/02/2014) A colleague who also vacationed this summer in Alberta and British Columbia recently handed me an advertisement he picked up at Jasper National Park. It’s for motorcycle tours in Europe and the United States from a company the refers to itself as Clutch.

Pull Google Maps and look up Faaker See in Austria. Let’s go for a little ride. Take 84 west to A2 north to A10 north to Salzburg, Austria. Head north/northwest on route 156 (just inside the Austrian border with Germany) to 156a to L205 at Oberndorf bie Salzburg. Stay on L205 as it becomes L501 and continue north. Just north of Ostermiething, make a right on Döstling and bear right onto Wolfing. Turn right onto Winham. You will find yourself in the small hamlet of Fucking, Austria. And no, that's not a typo. ;-)

Clutch motorcycle tours 2 sm

Try Google Images. My favorite image is the headline in a London newspaper: Germans not amused.

The backside of this brochure makes a lot more sense when you know about this town with the unusual name and its proximity to the Faaker See (a small lake).

And please, pray for a short winter.


-The Long Rider

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