
Rode 17K miles in 2014

(01/11/2015) In terms of mileage, I had the best year ever riding. I started 2014 at 89,996 on the odometer and ended at around 107,250.* I took the accompanying photo on December 1 and managed to ride another 250 or so miles before the end of the year.

In a typical year I ride only about 10,000-11,000 miles. What’s remarkable about riding so many miles in 2014 is that I did so while having so many mechanical problems with my bike. I cannot remember all of the various parts that failed in 2014. It’s a good thing I documented them all on this web site; now I can revisit those nightmares anytime I want. :-)

It’s a credit to the guys at Jockey’s Cycle in Morrisville, NC that I managed to get on—and stay on—the road so much. Kevin, Jim, Blake, and Matt were great to work with and I highly recommend them.

Earned my HOG 150,000 miles patch

As I rode across Nebraska this summer, I rolled the odometer over 100,000 miles. At 101,800, I reached 150,000 miles in the HOG mileage program. As of today, I need another 13,700 miles to earn my 175,000 mile patch.

I enrolled in the HOG Mileage Program in July 2000. Since then, I have averaged 11,195 miles per year. (I'm counting 2000 as a half year.)


My frequent trips to Hendersonville, NC certainly added up and it looks like I’ll be doing them again this year. They’re about 500 miles (roundtrip) a pop. I figure I’ll do at least eight of those this year, so that’s good for 4,000 miles. I plan to make at least one trip to Buffalo, NY (1,400 miles) and one to Washington, D.C. (600 miles). 

If I manage to get a ride in to Seattle in 2015 (6,000 miles roundtrip), maybe I can match last year’s total. There’s always hope. ;-)

Speaking of hope…I hate winter! Pray for a short one.


-The Long Rider

*I actually rode more than the recorded miles because my speedometer was set improperly for a while after I got my new engine control module (ECM) and it was underrecording speed and miles.

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