
Jump Off Rock (Laurel Park, NC)

Jump Off Rock sign 1 sm(10/12/2014) Last weekend I rode out to Hendersonville, NC to visit my wife, daughter, and son-in-law. We revisited one of my favorite places in the area, which I recommend to you. In the town of Laurel Park, NC, just west of Hendersonville, you can find at the very end of Laurel Park Highway a scenic high point in the area called Jump Off Rock. While I recommend that you not actually jump off the rock, I do recommend you visit. Even though your elevation is only 3,100 feet, the location offers you an unexpectedly wide and long view of the area to the northwest. The experience makes the ride up the mountain well worth it.

What you can see (on a clear day)

Jump Off Rock what u see sm

Fortunately, we had exceptionally clear weather on a chilly autumn afternoon. We could see what is probably the maximum visible distance across the entire panoramic view. As indicated on the sign that is mounted on the fence at the edge of the observation platform (refer to photo), you can see a long chain of the Pisgah and Bue Ridge mountains, including Cold Mountain. Down and to the left you can also see the French Broad River, which flows through Asheville.

Jump Off Rock vista sm

Broad River versus French Broad River

By the way, it can be tricky remembering that there is a Broad River and a French Broad River in North Carolina. The Broad River is to the east of Asheville and flows into Lake Lure near Chimney Rock. The French Broad River is the larger of the two and flows all the way to Tennessee. I believe the Broad River is east of the Eastern Continental Divide and the French Broad River is to the west, as indicated by its flow westward to Tennessee.

Directions (from Hendersonville)

Regardless of the route you take, the road will be a winding one and your average speed will probably be about 30 mph from downtown to the Jump Off Rock point. Here’s the route I prefer because while it may take a little longer to reach your destination, it’s about as simple as I can make it. From Main Street in Hendersonville heading south, turn right on Kanuga Road. After a short distance the road makes a sharp left. Just over the railroad tracks, turn right on Willow Road. At the stop light, turn right on Hebron Road. Carefully follow Hebron Road as it winds its way west. Bear right on Essowah Drive then left on Roberts Drive at the stop sign. Bear right staying on Roberts Drive and then make a left off of Laurel Park Highway. Follow this road until it ends at Jump Off Rock. (I recommend you refer to a map. It’s easy to make a wrong turn.)

Getting Better at Dealing with Rain

Rain at Hickory sm

I rode out to Henderson on Friday (October 3) even though I knew there as a good chance of rain. I figured it was worth it as the weather forecast for Saturday called for clear skies. (I failed to pay attention to the temperature forecast, however). I encountered no rain until I got near Hickory and then it suddenly came down hard. Fortunately, I was close to exit 125 where Blue Ridge Harley Davidson is located. While struggling to see the road, I managed to get off I-40 and pull my bike under the covering at the dealership. (See photo.) The rain had not yet penetrated my outer shell, so I was still dry underneath. I stopped in for a cup of coffee and a friendly conversation with a local rider named Tom. Tom was also waiting for the rain to pass after having his new Road Glide serviced. After about 40 minutes I was back on the road and encountered no more rain. On the other hand, it was a chilly ride home on Saturday as I did not bring some of my usual cold weather garments. One more time I have had to learn this lesson. :-)

Keep the shiny side up!

-The Long Rider 

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