Riding Blog

This weblog at mikeuhl.com is the personal web site of Michael "Mike" Uhl. Entries to this weblog and web site represent my personal opinions. The site is not owned, operated, or affiliated with my employer or any organizations other than those owned and operated by Mike Uhl.

Photo (right): That's Lisa and me stopped along US 550, "The Million Dollar Highway," in southwest Colorado on our way north into Silverton, July 2017. 

Entries are copyright (c) Michael A. Uhl, as of date of posting.

You are welcome and encouraged to participate in the discussion on this site. Comments are owned by the poster. I reserve the right to remove any irrelevant, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate comments. Questions may be directed to me using the "Post a Comment" feature available on every blog page.

FYI: I ride a 2015 Harley-Davidson FLHTK Ultra Limited Special Edition.

Thank you and please enjoy my site!

Entries in motorcycle riding (3)


ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time)

Like any large group of people, even ones focused on a specific activity such as motorcycling, opinions can vary. Bikers differ on just about every aspect of our lifestyle. Perhaps the biggest hot-button issue these days is what to wear and when. On one end of the spectrum we have the ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time) people, who argue that riders should strive for maximum safety by always wearing full body armor and a premium full-face helmet. On the other end of the spectrum we have people who routinely ride in shorts and flip flops and no helmet. I even once saw a fellow in Tennessee pull up to a gas station on a street bike shirtless with shorts and barefoot! (I don't recall whether or not he was wearing a helmet.)

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Extreme Twisties in North Carolina

If you like to ride twisting mountain roads, western North Carolina offers two opportunities you'll love: Tail of the Dragon at Deal's Gap and The Diamondback. Along  with these extreme twisties, the Cherohala Skyway offers a great alternate route back from Tennessee once you've completed the Dragon. 

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Fun and Useful Lessons I've Learned from My Friends

Last week I wrote about choosing your riding partners with care. While both the good and bad experiences have taught me to ask certain questions about people before I ride with them, especially on a long adventure, my blog post didn't reveal the many fun and useful lessons I've learned from riding with some of my riding companions. This week, I want to encourage you to listen to, and observe, other riders so you can learn useful tips and gain insights, thus increasing the enjoyment of future experiences.

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